Wednesday, 21 November 2012

week 3 Composition

composition is the arrangement of objects etc in art, there are a few elements in composition such as: 

depth: giving the illusion of depth in the picture which creates a 3D dimension.

line: this can be either implied or an actual line. this is when  your eyes follow a line either a line you can see or an implied line where you subconsciously follow it like a line.  

in this image below is of quick sketches of some compositions of trees and bushes around the university from these sketches help me pick which composition I think would be best to draw due to its Composition, lighting etc and make a full image. 

 this first sketch 

this first sketch is off a line of trees going into the distance. as you can see the tress are at the top of a hill and the rest of the image is of the hill. here you can really make out the foreshortening  as the trees get smaller further down the image. also makes good use of the implied line as the trees follow the edge of the hill. I chose this as image to be my final piece as it allows to show off a verity of techniques. 

second sketch 

this sketch is of some bushes. here we can see the impressionistic techniques on the leaves. you can also see an implied line as you can follow the tops of the bushes. the image is quite balanced, the bush are also in the rule of thirds as they are centre of the image and are the focal point of the image.

third sketch 

this sketch is a portrait of single tree, here we can see impressionist techniques on the leaves and some of the plants and grass on the ground. we can also see trees in the back ground. this is a good image and could be used to create a great amount of detail in lighting and texture if it was chosen for the final image.  

here is the full image which was based of the first sketch. as you can see from the trees they have a sense of depth as the trees go further away and look smaller this also know as foreshortening. there is also an implied line in the image as you eyes follow the trees. also there is use of impressionistic drawing for the leaves. the biggest problem is that  the picture wasn't finished on time .also the image seems only to be on one side of the page, this is due to the fact the line of trees are on the edge of a hill perhaps if there was more detail in the hill such as the grass or showing how the hill is curves downwards . 

direct study 

this landscape was created using pastels, you can that there is a lot impressionistic drawing used here such as grass and the leaves on the patches of dirt, you can see that they are quick motions with the pastel to create a impression of the leaves. same with the ground the grass has some strong pastel marks on the paper to show create impression of grass. the colours on the wall help to create show the age of the wall be showing how the bricks have become discoloured over the years e.g mould. however there is far to much white in this image which takes way from the image. second the trees in the background feel very flat.  

here is a landscape of a side of wall. as you can see their appears to be a foreshortening effect at end of the image but it doesn't work well as it seems the wall is just slanting into the image. their is some implied line in this image as you can follow the tops of the trees which can guide the viewers through the image. their is some impressionistic drawing on the leaves on tress and wall.    

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